
  • (lecture) 'WET' scores; (Word, Event and Text) Musical Scores, 2014

    March 2014

    A series of lectures:  University of Akron, Vembic Totale, TBA)

  • Pulitzer Prize Invited Nomination, 2013

    Pulitzer Prize Board, Columbia University

    September 2012

    Nominated for Pulitzer Prize for Music, Composition. "Explorer, Producer, Stoic After Your Fashion" for String Quartet published by Laboratorie New Music in 2012.

  • (lecture): "Dystopian Branding"

    Mode, Issue 45, May 2013

    May 2013

    An interview conducted by Mode Magazine focused on fashion and luxury branding and my theory regarding disintegrating brands.

  • (lecture): "Qualitative Perspectivisation and Syntactic Nomenclature: New Words, New Ecosystems"

    Penn State University

    June 2012

  • (lecture): "Compaction Music; Reductive Music Meets Oulipo"

    Columbia University, Pace University, University of Chicago, UCLA, University of Miami. North Texas State University, Cal State Northridge

    January 2012

  • (lecture) "Hypertentosium: Disentropic Lexicons and Applications to Musical Word Events and Text Scores"

    March 2006

  • (lecture) "Tactile Musical Tablatures: Eschewing the Five Lines"

    An ongoing lecture series; Yale, LACMA, Montclair State University, Robert Schumann Hochschule Dusseldorf, SOMA, Colorado State University

    January 2005 (Ongoing)